General - Consent & Acceptance of the Privacy Policy
Brainbridge BV is responsible as data controller for the processing of personal data of people that register on the web-site, candidate consultants and consultants, employees and representatives, in accordance with applicable laws and the stipulations of this policy. Where we refer to “us”, “our” or “we”, Brainbridge, this refers to Brainbridge BV and specified partners, related companies.
- This policy gives you all necessary information about the terms and conditions on which we receive and process your personal data, if you register on the website or otherwise transmit personal information to us.
- This policy is applicable for candidates, clients, suppliers or visitors of our website. If you would become an employee of Brainbridge a specific Privacy-statement will be applicable.
- By accepting this policy during your registration, you expressly agree to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree, please do not proceed with your registration or transmission of information, personal data and contact us.
- The data you provide will be registered in a central database.
For any questions regarding the processing of your data, GDPR compliance and Privacy Policy, you can always send a message to: This address is intended for this purpose only and the person responsible for the protection and processing of data will answer you.
If you continue with a registration/application or by sending us personal data, you agree to this Privacy Policy, acknowledge that you have been informed about the processing of your personal data. You agree with the way your personal data are processed.
You acknowledge that you freely choose to provide us with personal data and by sharing these data with us, to the processing of those data as specified.
You declare that all information you provide to us voluntarily is correct and not misleading and you hereby agree to provide all relevant information for the purpose for which you contact us.
Your right as data-subject
- You can oppose any use of the personal data registered, or to request termination of certain services or communications.
- You can request a transfer of your data in a structured manner (data portability).
- You can request a rectification, limitation (right to restrict processing), or termination of use, revocation of consent of the stored personal data (the so-called right to be forgotten).
In other words, have the right to witdraw your consent, to object, to be informed, a right of access, a right to rectification of any data, a right of limitation and request of restriction of processing of your data.
All requests can be send to: Any request will be answered within thirty days.
If your request requires an exchange or transfer of personal data we will be obliged to demand a proof of identification first, for your security. Otherwise we can reasonably rely on the request being authentic or in case of doubt control your identity.
Data will be retained as long as your profile or account is active with us and no later than thirty-six months after the last contact (or in case no exchange of contact occurs, your entry or transfer of your data), unless a longer passive retention obligation is imposed by law (e.g. staff records ten years) or until expiry of any prescription period for claims (average of ten years).
Obviously, subject to legal obligations, all your data will be limited or removed at your request in accordance with the above.
For more information, we refer to:
Use of the personal data provided by you and basis
The information you provide us, will be used for the purposes as specified here-after, to allow you to apply for a certain position, to present you for a certain position, to transmit your information to interested clients, to create a personal account, to manage and administer any contracts or missions and their execution. We also refer to point 2 below.
You alllow us to use the personal data also for future opportunities that we detect for you, to find a suitable assignment, communicate about open assignments, to transmit your data to interested clients. You can always retract this consent by sending a message to that effect to .
In the case of an employment with us, the data will then be included in your personnel file.
The information may be used to organize a comparative survey to select personnel for recruitment; to facilitate the selection process and your candidacy with a client; to manage the administration of the application and the different stages of an application; to manage the delivery of your services with our clients; to inform you and offer services; to assess your professional skills and aptitude; to use your profile and curriculum to offer you assignments.
The information provided by you may be transferred to third parties taking in to account the nature of the activities by which you wish to apply for registration on our website or by contacting us or entering your candidature for a open mission or requested profile, and possibly to other parties with which we cooperate to offer services in as far as they are within the same sector of business or otherwise if you have given us consent.
We do not sell your data to third parties.
More specific processing and use of personal data
The following information might be stored upon registration on our Website or otherwise during an application by you or an exchange of information about your personal data and interests:
- knowledge and education level (start and end year of education, educational institution, field of study, etc.);
- certain personal data concerning the identity of the registered person (such, name, date of birth and place, nationality, address, telephone number, e-mail address, driver’s license, depending on the needs of the position or your profiel);
- professional experience (start and end date, organization, content of the function, etc.);
- vacancy preferences (type of vacancies you want to receive, terms of employment, type of job, sector, region, etc.);
In case of a concrete request or application for a position, the following information may also be requested and stored in your personal file
- Knowledge, (computer science – language knowledge);
- a statement of motivation to apply for a position;
- Filling out a standard CV or documents made available
- Pieces of evidence (degree, language test, etc.);
In further treatment and completion of a candidature / application, we can perform the following services (also for the client):
- completing a personality report;
- indicate the motivation for the vacancy
- Linguistic, knowledge or psychological tests;
- assessment centre – reports
- selection between suitable candidates;
Other Related Services
Information may be processed for the purposes of executing searches for potential candidates on behalf of clients, assessing your suitability for certain positions and inform you about them, verifying the provided data.
By submitting your registration, providing personal data and your antecedents, where applicable, you agree that to complete your personal file, we can collect data and collect data from third parties (which you mention in your candidacy) or complete the data with accessible data on the Internet (e.g., Linkedln, IT jobs, social media, ..). Sharp Spring is also used.
The data obtained and stored will only be used only for the purpose and for which you have given us permission by your registration as specified in this policy.
As detailed above this information may be shared with and disclosed to particular clients and other members of the Brainbridge group (especially Brainbridge Technics BV) to whom this information is available within the same limits as detailed in this policy.
Clients and suppliers
If you are a legal entity or a self-employed person who is a direct customer or supplier to us,
we collect personal data because it is necessary to conclude and execute an agreement or assignment with you and to manage and administer this; mainly: name, e-mail, adress, phone number, company, type of services, bank account, experience, your interactions, exchanges with us. Depending on our relationship, we might also collect data as specified in other articles.
If you are representing a client or supplier, we might collect personal data to enter into or execute any agreement with the entity you are representing and maintain the relationship. We thus also collect data to establish and maintain a customer or supplier relationship and to be compliant with any legislation (also among others on archiving matters, tax).
Sensitive data
Standard, we do not request and ask you not to provide us any sensitive data; being data that concern your race or ethnicity, political affiliations, religious beliefs, trade union membership,
your health, sexual behaviour or orientation or criminal convictions and/or facts.
If for a specific position, this would be required, by agreeing to transmit us such data, you agree to allow these data to be processed.
We do not engage in automated individual decision-making.
Profiling might occur in a very limited way and only in relation to your actions (website visits, contacts) to allow us to identify better your professional areas of interest.
Other legitimate reasons for processing of your data
We can process your data to transmit them to compent authorities authorized to make such requests (courts, police, prosecutors,,…) or to defend our interests in court or similar proceedings.
We can process your data where this is a part of a global corporate transaction (such as a merger, sale or split of parts of a company).
In general your personal data can be shared with third parties where part of or reasonable necessary for the purpose of the processing (clients, Brainbridge companies, corporate transactions).
We collect and process your data to be compliant with any legislation (also among others on archiving matters, tax). Standard such data will be maintained up to ten years after termination of any agreement or relationship; where required for legal obligations longer and where feasible in an archived protected environment. The keeping of adequate records (archived) might also be required to be able to justify or defend our interest at law.
Sometimes we need to verify whether you are on a national or international sanctions list or a politically exposed person (antibribery or anticorruption rules / money laundering).
Email - messages - newsletters
By accepting these terms and conditions, you also grant permission to use your personal information for sending automated email or other electronic messages or information about our services, including vacancies, requested profiles or information about open assignments, etc.
You always have the option to choose to no longer receive such messages or information by contacting us at the e-mail adres:
Whereever feasible such messages will always contain an “unsubscribe” functionality.
Website Brainbridge
When you visit ou website, the following information might be detected and stored:
- Log information: browser, access times, visited pages, location and about your visit or visits from your IP address
- Information collected by cookies (see our cookie policy)
- Technical information, including the internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, your log-in information, browser type and version, time zone setting, geographical location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform.
- We also refer you to our Cookie Policy
Third Party Websites
If you are in contact with a third party (usually a client) in the context of a candidature, we explicitly indicate that you then request and review its rules for processing and storing personal data. The same goes for links and assignments of other third-party websites that you would click on or consult, We obviously does not assume responsibility for the content, structure, etc. of third party websites.
Location of processing - Third Parties
We insist and require third parties that support our IT-infrastructure or cloud-hosting to maintain all data within the European Union.
We do not share personal data with third parties, except to the extent necessary for our legitimate professional and business needs or to handle your requests, and/or to the extent required or permitted by legal provisions or professional standards. You authorize us to share your data, for the purposes specified in this policy and have them processed as specified in this policy and also by:
- Brainbridge Technics BV and other affiliated companies
- Third-parties for hosting, IT-applications and software, vendor management, CRM
- Accountants, financial institutions, payroll administration
- Clients
We will always request any third party to respect all privacy and GDPR regulations and to only process your data for the means as specified in this privacy policy or even more limited for the purpose we are contracting them in order to deliver or manage our services.
If exceptionallly personal data are stored outside the European Union, we will verify if sufficient guarantees are in place (among others by including the standard contractual clauses as adopted by the European Commission) or if the concerned country offers an adequate level of protection (as assessed by the European Commission.
We have appropriate technical and organizational security measures in place to protect your personal data from being accidentally lost, used, altered, destructed, disclosed or accessed in an unauthorized way.
However this can not fully eliminate the risk of a data breach or improper wrongful processing.
If a data breach/incident occurs, we have the required procedures in place to deal with it and to comply with the specific regulations on data breaches.
If you continue with a registration/application, you agree to this Privacy Policy, acknowledge that you have been informed about the processing of your personal data. You agree with the way your personal data are processed.
You acknowledge that you freely choose to provide us with personal data and by sharing these data with us to the processing of those data as specified.
You declare that all information you provide to us voluntarily is correct and not misleading and you hereby agree to provide all relevant information for the purpose for which you contact us.
This Privacy Policy is governed, interpreted and executed in accordance with Belgian law, which applies exclusively to any dispute. The courts in Antwerp are exclusively authorized to judge any dispute that may arise from the interpretation or implementation of this Policy; except for other courts who’s competence is compulsory determined at law.
Each person also has the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority for Belgium: the Data Protection Authority ( DBA), in the Member State where he usually resides or where he has his place of work or where the infringement was committed if he considered that the processing of personal data violates applicable European or local Privacy regulations.
Data Protection Authority (DPA)
Belgian Data Protection Authority (GBA)
Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels
+32 2 274 48 00
+32 2 274 48 35
The Commission’s offices are accessible to the public every working day by appointment.
If any part of this policy about the use and processing of personal data, due to new European or national regulations, would no longer be correct or be qualified as invalid or void, only those relevant concerned stipulations should be considered and qualified as adapted and in accordance with the new “regulations” or applicable law. We will adapt our terms and conditions accordingly as soon as possible.
This is the latest updated and applicable privacy-policy. If you accepted another previous version and you do not agree with the latest version, please send us an e-mail as soon as possible to